If Animals Kissed Like We Kiss Goodnight

If Animals Kissed Like We Kiss Goodnight

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 · 1,520 ratings  · 146 reviews
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Rahul H
February 08, 2022 rated it information technology was amazing
Such a wonderful picture show book. Would definitely worth reading for children and their parents.
Jul 04, 2013 rated information technology it was amazing
This is an adorable book, with wonderfully simple drawings, brilliant colors, fun rhyming, and a swell bedtime theme. The fact that they mixed up all the genders - mommies, daddies, daughters, sons - perfected the experience for me. At that place is an hilarious recurring theme with the sloths considering they take so long for their kiss. My kids and I love to say "sooooo slooooow" equally low and as long as nosotros can while describing how the sloths kiss proficient night. Fun and slumber-inducing!! This is an adorable volume, with wonderfully uncomplicated drawings, vivid colors, fun rhyming, and a great bedtime theme. The fact that they mixed up all the genders - mommies, daddies, daughters, sons - perfected the experience for me. There is an hilarious recurring theme with the sloths because they have so long for their kiss. My kids and I love to say "sooooo slooooow" every bit low and every bit long as we can while describing how the sloths kiss skilful night. Fun and slumber-inducing!! ...more than
Oct 24, 2022 rated information technology really liked it
The Rhymes were well crafted and I could definitely encounter a song existence made out of this.
Sep 21, 2012 rated it it was amazing
I of my daughter's favorites!! It'south then cute. One of my girl's favorites!! Information technology'south so cute. ...more
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I thought this would be cuter. The concept seemed really sweet and heartwarming, until I started reading. By pg. 2 things took a turn. It had a romantic undertone with some of the diction and pictures.

The sloths were kissing "soooo slooowwww." Whoa. That'south weird. It's a mom and baby, and information technology goes to romantic territory. They'll spend the residuum of the story slowly kissing.
She kept cutting back to the sloths still kissing. Ew.

The python mom kissed waggling around and twirling and twisting with her

I thought this would exist cuter. The concept seemed really sugariness and heartwarming, until I started reading. By pg. 2 things took a plough. Information technology had a romantic undertone with some of the wording and pictures.

The sloths were kissing "soooo slooowworld wide web." Whoa. That's weird. It's a mom and baby, and it goes to romantic territory. They'll spend the rest of the story slowly kissing.
She kept cutting back to the sloths still kissing. Ew.

The python mom kissed waggling around and twirling and twisting with her baby. They were wrapped up together like a romantic pose.

The diction is the blazon of writing I loathe. Kickity high-stepping prance. Scritch-scratchy kisses. Klick-klack their beaks, kissing klick-a-klack, klick-a-klack, kick-a-klack kleek. Osculation tip-a-tap—smooching their horns in a tip-a-tap rap. Jumpity-jump, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, bounciness bumpity-bump. Slithery-ooze—a mud-happy heap. What is mud-happy?? Ugh.

It was too weird how it was worded that if animals kissed goodnight the sky would plow dull, the moon a chalk white. If animals kissed goodnight the sky would turn dark with the moon glowing white. If animals kissed practiced dark the sky would plow black, the moon would polish bright. It should be when the heaven turned dark, animals would osculation. Non if they kissed good night, it would get dark. Similar they bring on the night. It's like since they aren't kissing, we'd never have dark and information technology would ever be daytime or something. Information technology'southward worded backwards.

Got this for a friend who'south having a baby. Information technology seemed like such a good read. But now I'm trying to picture her reading out all these weird words and probably not wanting to say them. And well-nigh how it'southward a piffling weird to accept the animals kissing, a little besides romantic.

December 06, 2014 rated it really liked information technology
Read for CBR six

Today you lovely people get to benefit from my

1) need to provide the newest arrivals in my family with quality children's literature,
ii) hatred for gift registries, and
3) understanding of the panic that occurs when tiny babies do not desire to go to sleep.

My go-to gift for any occasion is a book. Or many books. I effigy y'all, my fellow Cannonballers, have a similar notion that there is, somewhere in the universe, a perfect book to give as a souvenir for well-nigh every reason. Proficient days, bad

Read for CBR 6

Today you lovely people get to do good from my

ane) need to provide the newest arrivals in my family with quality children'due south literature,
2) hatred for gift registries, and
3) agreement of the panic that occurs when tiny babies practice non desire to go to sleep.

My get-to gift for whatever occasion is a book. Or many books. I effigy you, my swain Cannonballers, accept a similar notion that there is, somewhere in the universe, a perfect book to give equally a gift for almost every reason. Good days, bad days, promotions, losses, stubbed toes, missing you lot moments: Books are proficient for them all. Not cure-alls, heed you, but simply to show you care, to let the person know you lot're thinking of them, whatever the reason may exist. And for bodily souvenir giving days – birthdays, parties, Christmases and the like? Books should be your first response.

So for my cousin'south upcoming babe shower, I gave the registry a brief glimpse – too much pinkish, too little I could actually afford – and happened to encounter that they'd requested the Johnson & Johnson's bathroom wash that'due south specifically for bedtime (in that it contains "soothing lavender essence"), and I figured I could piece of work with that. And so I put together a trivial care packet of the baby wash, an adorable puppy softie (that is seriously and then soft I want to go along it, but won't), and some appropriately soothing bedtime books to add to the new kiddo'due south routine.

I started with a couple of classics, which I am not going to carp reviewing: if you don't know nigh the awesome that is Goodnight Moon, I'm not sure why you lot're bothering to read this review at all. Other five-star favorites I included were Sandra Boynton's The Going to Bed Book; X, Night, Eight by Molly Bang; and Good Nighttime Gorilla, by Peggy Rathman. (All of these books are in lath volume grade unless I mentioned otherwise, considering gnawing on books should just be a given until a kid turns two-ish.)

Next up is Time for Bed, written by Mem Fox & illustrated past Jane Dyer, which came out in 1993, and I consider a staple of bedtime books, but the lady at the bookstore hadn't heard of it (gasp!), so I effigy perchance I should extol on its virtues a fleck hither for those who've missed out. The short, repetitive & rhyming text ("It'south time for bed petty goose(beast), little goose(creature); the stars are out and on the loose (rhyme)") are sweet, cozy and charming. The pictures are water-colored & dreamy, and hands recognizable for older kids, and – while it doesn't have any of the trivial comic surprises of a Good Night, Gorilla or The Going to Bed Book – the simple, soothing pattern is 1 that kids tend to memorize quickly and larn to assistance you 'read' early on.

The concluding three books I chose were new to me:

The first, If Animals Kissed Good Nighttime, past Ann Whitford Paul, with entertaining illustrations by David Walker, drew me in considering of the ambrosial elephants on the cover, and works every bit a proficient companion to Time for Bed, as it goes through unlike animals and their progeny (behave and a cub, seal and a calf, parrot and chick, etc.) and how they might say good dark. It'south more Suessian & playful – with its "splashity-splishes" and "mud-happy heaps", but no less soothing or snuggly.

Hush Footling Polar Behave, by Jeff Mack, is near the adventures a sleeping stuffed polar deport – and his
lilliputian girl – might get into in their dreams. All the "billowy through pastures" and "creeping through caves" are lovingly drawn and the fuzzy comport somehow manages to safely navigate his style back to imagining that he's safe and sound with the piffling daughter, all tucked into bed, book laid out on top of the sheets. It's cute, and it'due south a petty bit different from the others in that it's neither a volume almost a specific routine (x,9,8 or Goodnight Moon, i.e.) or a book about imagined routines (all the rest). Dreams and adventures definitely need to have some infinite in the bedtime book line-upwardly. (It's more along the lines of a Harold and the Majestic Crayon.)

Concluding – and the just non-board volume, because I don't remember in that location is ane – is Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site, past Sherri Duskey Rinker and Tom Lichtenheld. I bought it specifically because my cousin is an architect and works at construction sites a lot, and then his little girl should know most them, somewhen. The book goes through all different pieces of equipment and what they practice – crane truck, cement mixer, dump truck, etc – and so has them slowly ending their twenty-four hours and going to slumber, with a gentle rhyme & and a brightly colored illustration – "He lowers his bed, locks his gate; Rests his wheels; it's getting late. He dims his lights, then shuts his doors, and soon his engine slows to snores. Shh… goodnight, Dump Truck, goodnight."

In that location y'all have it: Babe's start bedtime books, which stop hither merely considering I ran out of money. (Given a bit more than funding I would also include: Roar of a Snore; The Napping Firm; Steam Train, Dream Train; Moon Dreams ; Llama, llama Crimson Pajama; The Dream Jar; I Love You, Stinky Face up)

Codi Limm
This is a good volume to read when yous haven't striking your reading goal on the last day of the year. Approximately five min read. Highly recommend.
Feb 27, 2012 rated information technology really liked it
Very cute illustrations, fun rhymes, and a variety of animals make this a winning bedtime read, i especially suited for Valentine'due south Day. I like the imagination behind the dissimilar settings, sounds, etc. the parent/babe animals would make with their goodnight kisses, and the catastrophe illustration is especially adorable and ties in adorably with the writer's note where she mentions she was inspired to write the volume based on a little bedtime game she used to play with her own child. Very cute illustrations, fun rhymes, and a variety of animals make this a winning bedtime read, one particularly suited for Valentine'south Day. I like the imagination behind the different settings, sounds, etc. the parent/baby animals would make with their goodnight kisses, and the ending analogy is especially adorable and ties in adorably with the author'due south notation where she mentions she was inspired to write the book based on a petty bedtime game she used to play with her own child. ...more
Margaret Chind
I love the illustrations, as I honey David Walker from Bears on Chairs, but I'm not crazy nearly the words within. Not atrocious, but not fabulous either, just ok. I love the illustrations, as I love David Walker from Bears on Chairs, just I'1000 non crazy about the words within. Not awful, but not fabulous either, just ok. ...more
I've read this approximately a 1000 times at bedtime, and I withal like it. I've read this approximately a k times at bedtime, and I still like it. ...more
I don't know why, but I actually found this volume really kind of disturbing.
David H.
A lovely nighttime routine book. My favorite affair nearly this is the running joke near sloths, who make regular appearances throughout the unabridged as they slowly kiss.
Mary Becker
Feb 26, 2022 rated it actually liked it
If Animals Kissed Good Night is nearly a kid that wonders how unlike animals would kiss proficient night to their families. On each page, there are dissimilar animals and information technology explains how they would each kiss skillful night. It shows the different ways that they would share their unique beloved.

The overall theme of this book is love because it explains the manner that animals would osculation each other good nighttime. The bulletin is very center warming because all the animals differ in the way they say goodnight, but

If Animals Kissed Practiced Night is about a child that wonders how different animals would kiss good dark to their families. On each folio, there are different animals and it explains how they would each kiss good night. It shows the different ways that they would share their unique beloved.

The overall theme of this book is love because it explains the mode that animals would kiss each other good night. The message is very eye warming because all the animals differ in the way they say goodnight, merely they all love each other.

I actually enjoyed reading this children'south book. It made me happy inside, and it reminded me of when my mom or dad would tuck me into bed when I was younger.

I would for sure recommend this book to exist in all the homes of immature children. The illustrations are very well drawn fatigued, and the writer did a slap-up job at explaining the ways that animals say expert night.

Courtney Brown
I was read this when I used to have a hard fourth dimension falling comatose at dark so since I had fond memories of it, I decided to reread it again as an adult. This simple book explains how different animals would buss goof night. For case, the "Would and his pup would kiss and then HOWL!". Although, I liked it when I was younger, I practice not remember this is the best book for kids since it doesn't teach a lesson, nor does it have very many literary elements incorporated into it. Despite this, information technology could exist a I was read this when I used to have a hard time falling asleep at night and then since I had fond memories of it, I decided to reread it again as an adult. This simple volume explains how different animals would kiss goof night. For case, the "Would and his pup would kiss so HOWL!". Although, I liked it when I was younger, I do not retrieve this is the best book for kids since it doesn't teach a lesson, nor does it have very many literary elements incorporated into it. Despite this, it could exist a relaxing book for those who are high energy due to its playful art, rhymed verse, and sweet tone. I would not utilise this in a classroom, but it could be useful to a young kid who is just learning vocabulary and words. Moreover, it could aid them with memorization. ...more
Katie Quagliana
If Animals Kissed Skillful Dark past Ann Whitford Paul has not won whatever awards but it was a finalist for the SCIBA book award.
This volume is peachy for pre-K to kindergarten.
This book is about if animals kissed goodnight. Its about how they would exercise it. Also, it shows the human relationship betwixt the mother/begetter and the child animal before bedtime.
This book was fun and cute. Information technology brought some creativity into the event of bedtime. It also is heart warming.
This book would be groovy to bring some family unit time i
If Animals Kissed Practiced Nighttime by Ann Whitford Paul has not won whatever awards but information technology was a finalist for the SCIBA book honor.
This volume is nifty for pre-K to kindergarten.
This book is about if animals kissed goodnight. Its about how they would do information technology. Also, it shows the human relationship between the mother/male parent and the child animal before bedtime.
This volume was fun and cute. It brought some inventiveness into the result of bedtime. It as well is eye warming.
This volume would be bully to bring some family fourth dimension into the classroom. Y'all can discuss what your favorite thing to practice before bedtime is. Also. the students can create their ain stories.
November 29, 2022 rated it information technology was astonishing
If Animals Kiss Goodnight is a children's verse book geared towards kids ages iii through half dozen. It hasn't won any awards but it was a finalist for the SCIBA volume award.

This story imagine how dissimilar animals would kiss their loved ones good night.

If Animals Kissed Goodnight is an adorable book with bright colors and simple drawings. Information technology rhymes and in my stance is a great bedtime story. Information technology isn't the blazon of book to read to a class or to gain information from, but it is fun for immature children a

If Animals Osculation Goodnight is a children'due south verse book geared towards kids ages three through six. It hasn't won any awards simply it was a finalist for the SCIBA book award.

This story imagine how different animals would buss their loved ones good night.

If Animals Kissed Goodnight is an ambrosial book with bright colors and simple drawings. It rhymes and in my opinion is a cracking bedtime story. It isn't the type of book to read to a class or to gain data from, but it is fun for young children equally there is a hilarious reoccurring theme with the sloths and how long they take to osculation. I also like that they mixed up the genders and family way/dynamics to add some depth to the story.

Luisa Knight
Very cute pictures and narrative!

If you have the lath book, but know that the book takes longer to read than others. Considering of this, I'd recommend reading to a little bit older kid.

Ages: two - 5

**Similar my reviews? I likewise take hundreds of detailed reports that I offering likewise. These reports give a complete intermission-down of everything in the book, so yous'll know merely how make clean information technology is or isn't. I likewise have Clean Guides (downloadable PDFs) which enable you to clean upward your book before reading it! Visit m

Very cute pictures and narrative!

If you have the board book, just know that the book takes longer to read than others. Considering of this, I'd recommend reading to a little bit older child.

Ages: two - v

**Similar my reviews? I too take hundreds of detailed reports that I offering too. These reports give a consummate intermission-downwards of everything in the book, so y'all'll know just how clean information technology is or isn't. I also have Clean Guides (downloadable PDFs) which enable y'all to clean up your book earlier reading it! Visit my website: The Volume Radar.

Brannan Griepentrog
Board Volume
If Animals Kissed Adept Night, by Ann Whitford Paul, is a Lath Book suitable for Pre-Kindergarten children. The subjects in this volume include the behavior of animals, parent and child relationships, and kissing or amore. In this story a young girl is existence tucked in by her female parent as she wonders how animals and their babies say goodnight to eachother. Does Bear and her cub osculation followed past a growl? The book's simple story has rhythmical verse and an endearing bulletin that brand it a
Board Volume
If Animals Kissed Good Night, past Ann Whitford Paul, is a Board Book suitable for Pre-Kindergarten children. The subjects in this book include the behavior of animals, parent and kid relationships, and kissing or affection. In this story a immature girl is being tucked in by her mother as she wonders how animals and their babies say goodnight to eachother. Does Carry and her cub kiss followed by a growl? The volume'southward simple story has rhythmical verse and an endearing bulletin that make it a perfect volume for bedtime.
Adria Council
This children's poem is intended for ages iii-v. Information technology is a book that has a fun twist on how different animals say goodnight. Each animal's analogy is detailed notwithstanding in that location is no type of way or use of poetic elements. The interesting addition that the author added was the sloths kissing very wearisome and repeating how slow in unlike parts of the volume to exemplify its slow speed. Still, I didn't experience that in that location was a particular bulletin. It seems like more of a bedtime story that is playful an This children's poem is intended for ages iii-v. It is a volume that has a fun twist on how different animals say goodnight. Each animal's illustration is detailed however there is no type of way or use of poetic elements. The interesting addition that the author added was the sloths kissing very slow and repeating how slow in unlike parts of the book to exemplify its tiresome speed. Nevertheless, I didn't feel that there was a particular bulletin. Information technology seems like more of a bedtime story that is playful and teaches children memorization. Review Date: eight/07 ...more
Jon Miller
Awards: Finalist for the SCIBA volume laurels.

Grades: Kindergarten.

Summary: This book is a fun and adorable book to read about how animals would osculation goodnight from parent to child if they do. This volume is very colorful likewise.

Review: This book was really nice to read with a warm feeling. It also brought the theme of family into the story which would be great to learn in the classroom.

Classroom: Afterwards reading the story the students can sit in groups and hash out what they do to prepare for bedtime

Awards: Finalist for the SCIBA book honour.

Grades: Kindergarten.

Summary: This book is a fun and adorable book to read about how animals would osculation goodnight from parent to child if they do. This book is very colorful as well.

Review: This book was really squeamish to read with a warm feeling. It also brought the theme of family into the story which would be great to learn in the classroom.

Classroom: Afterward reading the story the students can sit in groups and discuss what they practice to fix for bedtime and how does bedtime piece of work for them.

Travis Croken
I read this book as a part of the Calm Scribe Reading Claiming 2022 for "a children's book." I read this book with my daughter and we both loved it. The illustrations are astonishing and the concept of the book is cute and very loving. I really appreciated the employ of the rule of three and the final necktie at the end with the repetitions of the phrase "If animals kissed proficient night" and the return to the sloths. If y'all take children, this book is a must-read for the little ones! Nosotros got it initially from I read this book as a office of the Calm Scribe Reading Challenge 2022 for "a children'due south book." I read this book with my daughter and we both loved information technology. The illustrations are amazing and the concept of the book is cute and very loving. I really appreciated the use of the dominion of 3 and the final tie at the end with the repetitions of the phrase "If animals kissed good night" and the render to the sloths. If yous have children, this book is a must-read for the fiddling ones! We got it initially from the library and loved it so much we went out and bought our own copy. ...more
ADORABLE! I loved this lath book. It's the perfect mix of animals and love. This book is the perfect book to read right before sending the petty's ones into dreamland. I loved the sloths still kissing information technology was the cutest and a funny piddling part to continue coming back to. The illustrations felt soft and dream like perfect for the tone of this book. I really couldn't have asked for more. Definitely a volume we will be reading much more in the hereafter. Kisses everyone ☺️
Megan Wilks
This book is most how all the dissimilar types of animals kiss since they kiss much differently than united states of america! Information technology always comes back to sloths kissing considering they accept soooo long to osculation! At the end, it talks most how all animals go to bed at night when the moon raises and the sky goes blackness.

This is directed at kids not in schoolhouse withal read by their caregivers or made for younger elementary aged kids. This books rhymes in all the short paragraphs in a poetic style.

Vivian Muller
May 18, 2022 rated information technology it was amazing
An adorable bedtime story about the different ways each creature kisses goodnight including a very slow pair of kissing sloths. Each fauna kisses their babe in a dissimilar fashion unique to their species. The story leads you to the mom and her girl kissing a expert nighttime surrounded by all of her stuffed animals.

Such a sweet book to read to kids. I think it's important for kids to know about affection and honey and what is appropriate and what is non.

An adorable bedtime story about the different ways each creature kisses goodnight including a very slow pair of kissing sloths. Each fauna kisses their baby in a different way unique to their species. The story leads you to the mom and her daughter kissing a good night surrounded by all of her stuffed animals.

Such a sweet volume to read to kids. I think it'south important for kids to know nigh affection and love and what is appropriate and what is not.

Sara (Alicorn Feathers)
This is my favorite lath volume of all fourth dimension. The meter and rhyming is so pleasing and I still take most of information technology memorized from reading it to my baby cousin. Similar, the read-aloud-pleasure is up there with Dr. Seuss. The "story" makes me happy, likewise. I dear that it slowly gets darker as night becomes full and that it uses the sloths-are-slow cliché. The whole thing is simply beautiful and it's my go-to infant shower gift. I've even given it to a stranger.

x/ten, would recommend to all.

This is my favorite board book of all time. The meter and rhyming is so pleasing and I even so have most of information technology memorized from reading it to my baby cousin. Like, the read-aloud-pleasance is up in that location with Dr. Seuss. The "story" makes me happy, too. I love that it slowly gets darker as night becomes full and that it uses the sloths-are-tiresome cliche. The whole thing is simply cute and it's my go-to baby shower gift. I've fifty-fifty given information technology to a stranger.

ten/10, would recommend to all.

Mervin Wilson
Sep 09, 2022 rated it actually liked it
This is honestly one of my favorite books I've reviewed. I used to work at a summertime camp and would read it to the kids there. Parents met me after to tell me how their kid would not stop talking well-nigh the book. I love the significant behind the story, likewise every bit the bold colors one each page. In my opinion the story would not piece of work without it.
Mort's Kids
If Animals Kissed Goodnight is sentimental to the point that it's a affect schmaltzy. The author does a overnice job capturing the different fauna personalities but I didn't notice the fine art particularly engaging and the Sloth storylime took a bit too long to develop for my tastes.

I dunno. Enjoyable enough and I see why people might like information technology but not really my style.

If Animals Kissed Goodnight is sentimental to the indicate that it'due south a touch schmaltzy. The author does a nice job capturing the different animate being personalities but I didn't observe the art particularly engaging and the Sloth storylime took a fleck too long to develop for my tastes.

I dunno. Enjoyable plenty and I come across why people might like it but non actually my manner.

Jul 09, 2022 rated it did not like it
There are SOOOOO many better books almost parent animals hugging/kissing their young at bedtime. I found the language in this 1 difficult to read as the meter felt off in a lot of places. Some of the made-up words are thrown in just to get the rhyme correct and don't add annihilation to the story. Didn't like this one. There are SOOOOO many amend books most parent animals hugging/kissing their young at bedtime. I found the language in this i hard to read every bit the meter felt off in a lot of places. Some of the fabricated-up words are thrown in just to get the rhyme right and don't add together anything to the story. Didn't like this ane. ...more
Jul 29, 2022 rated it it was amazing
This is such a cute book for bedtime! Morgan looked at the pictures while I read to her. Since the version I take is a boardbook, after I read it, I set information technology downward at eye level while Morgan was in her bouncer, so she could wait at the pictures while playing (kicking her legs). She actually looked over at them!
Feb xvi, 2022 rated it liked it
So why exactly does this book merits that "the sky would plough dark, ho-hum, and blackness" if animals kissed like we do?!
What a negative thing to read to a child.
There has to be a more than positive approach to explicate to a kid the differences between animals and humans.
ANN WHITFORD PAUL, author of 'TWAS THE LATE NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS has e'er been crazy for Christmas, simply overwhelmed by it, as well. Later on she is worn-out and dreams that someone similar Mrs. Saint Nick could help her out with the resulting anarchy and mess.

Ann graduated from the University of Wisconsin and Columbia University School of Social Work. She became inspired to write picture books after yea

ANN WHITFORD PAUL, author of 'TWAS THE LATE Night OF CHRISTMAS has e'er been crazy for Christmas, just overwhelmed past it, likewise. Afterwards she is worn-out and dreams that someone similar Mrs. Saint Nick could assistance her out with the resulting anarchy and mess.

Ann graduated from the University of Wisconsin and Columbia Academy School of Social Piece of work. She became inspired to write moving-picture show books later years of bedtime reading to her 4 children. She's published 19 different award-winning books. At present she gets story ideas from her three grandchildren. For x years she taught picture book writing through UCLA Extension. She still enjoys educational activity how to write picture books. When she isn't writing or education, she loves listening to her cat purr, watching spiders spin their webs and following snails' trails.

You can learn more than about her, download writing tips and classroom activities, and contact her through her web-site: www.annwhitfordpaul.cyberspace


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If Animals Kissed Like We Kiss Goodnight

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